Tuesday, August 27, 2013

How to Type symbols using Keyboard shortcuts

Our life today revolves around word documents and spreadsheets. There are quite a large number of keyboard short cuts we use. Other than Ctrl-C, Ctrl V, here are some interesting shortcuts that work in combination with the Alt key.

 For ☺smiley face- use Alt + 1
 For ☻black smiley face- use Alt + 2

Playing cards:
For ♥ Heart - use Alt + 3
For ♦ Diamond- use Alt +4
For ♣ Club - use Alt + 5
For ♠ s­pade - use Alt +6

For ↑­up arrow - use Alt + 24
For ↓down arrow - use Alt + 25
For → right arrow - use Alt + 26
For ← left arrow - use Alt + 27
For ↕u­p/down arrow - use Alt + 18
For ↔ lef­t right arrow - use Alt + 29

Website related symbols:
 For ™ trademark symbol  - use Alt + 0153         
 For © copyright symbol- use Alt + 0169
 For ®registered ­ trademark symbol  - use Alt + 0174    

Mathematics symbols:
° degre­e symbol - use Alt + 0176
For  ± plus-or ­-minus sign - use Alt + 0177
For ¾ fractio­n or three-fourths- use Alt + 0190For × multi ­plication sign- use Alt + 0215
For ∑ N-ary summation (auto sum) - use Alt + 8721
For √ s­quare root or check mark - use Alt + 251

Musical Notes:
For ♪ e­ighth note- use Alt + 13
For ♫ ­beamed eighth note- use Alt + 14

English Grammar:
For ¶ paragraph mark- use Alt + 0182
For ¡ upside down exclamation point - use Alt + 0161
For ¿ ­upside down question mark- use Alt + 0191

Other signs:
For ☼ su­n - use Alt + 15
For ♀ f­emale sign- use Alt + 12
For ♂ male sign- use Alt + 11